How to use Move Tool in Photoshop
Move Tool is a very important tool, with the help of this tool you can move any layer or image. The keyboard shortcut to select this tool is "V". So let's know further how the Move Tool in Photoshop works in all the tools of Photoshop tools?
How to use Move Tool in Photoshop
If seen, the move tool is most commonly used in Photoshop. It is very easy to use, you can use it in the following way.
Move with Mouse
By selecting any layer or part of the photo with the mouse. It can be moved from one place to another, as well as any part selected by any other tool can also be moved with the help of the move tool photoshop.
Move with Keyboard
To move a layer with the keyboard, press “V” and this will select the move tool, then that selected layer can be moved with the help of the Arrow Key given on the keyboard.
To move fast, hold down the shift button and with the arrow key, it can be moved up to 10 pixels per click.
What can be moved?
Text box
Layer layer shape
Image part
Auto Selection
When we have selected the move tool, then on the toolbar, we see other options related to the tool, in which auto-selection mode is turned on by checking on the Auto Select Layer.
With the help of this, by clicking on any layer, the layer is selected and it can be moved, similarly, the group can be selected automatically through Auto Select Group.
Use by using the checkmark on Show Transform Controls, which will make it easy for you to see the selected part and you will get to handle Photoshop well.
Also Read: How to Use the Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop
Transforming Selection
With the help of Free Transform, any layer or object can be Rotate, Scale, Skew, and Distort.
Press Ctrl + T on the keyboard to rotate
After this it can be rotated 180 degrees, 90-degree clockwise, 90-degree anti-clockwise by right-clicking,
Then simultaneously we can rotate the image as much as we want as per our requirement.
For this, move the mouse pointer to the corner of the object, and the mouse pointer changes to two side arrows,
Then rotate it and press the Enter button.
Scale means to make it bigger or smaller, move the mouse pointer over the corner, and drag.
To Skew and Distort, press Ctrl + T on the keyboard and drag it from the corner while holding the Ctrl button.
So you will see that the actual shape of the photo or shape will change.
In this way, many types of movements can be done with the move tool in Photoshop. If you need any more information or have any questions about How to use Move Tool in Photoshop, you can contact us.
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