How to Make Pattern in Illustrator?

Before we get started we should know what is the pattern? A pattern is a regularity in the world, in human-made design, or in abstract ideas. As we know that this world is full of patterns, we see so many patterns in our daily life. Pattern makes our life more beautiful and interesting.

In this blog, we will learn about how to create a pattern in illustrator from a hexagon using adobe illustrator in easy steps. So, let's start to create a pattern in illustrator using illustrator tools

Step 1 - Create a Document press Ctrl + N

Step 2
- Now take hexagon shape.

step 2

Step 3
- Rotate it using the selection tool.

Step 4
- Draw a line with the shift to make it straight.

Step 5
- Now select the line and right-click, go to transform< rotate, rotated at angle 60 degree,s, and then click on copy and then to repeat the command press Ctrl+D.

and then to repeat the command press Ctrl+D.

Step 6
- Now select the object and use the shape builder tool to merge the lines like this, do the same with side ones and it will look like this.

pattern illustrator

do the same with side ones and it will look like this.

pattern illustrator

Step 7
- Now it is time to color it, so select the upper merged part and color it whatever you want I am using purple color,

pattern illustrator

do the same with the other two sides and select the whole and none the stroke.

pattern illustrator

now select the whole object and group it using Ctrl+G and then go to object<pattern<make.

pattern illustrator

and then adjust it according to you and then click on done, close the pallette and delete the figure.

pattern illustrator

Step 8 - Now draw a rectangle of the page size, keep color and stroke none, go to window<swatches there you will find the pattern that you made click on that

pattern illustrator

and then save the file Ctrl+S.

I hope this blog will help you, You can also learn the best and advanced adobe illustrator course from the graphic design institute Delhi, If you liked the post kindly like and share it with your friends... Thank you for reading, hope you understood the method.

You can also check - How to Make Pattern in Photoshop CC

-Written by Deepa Chaurasia (Advanced Graphic Expert Course)

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